7 Tips for scoring College Scholarships
As deadlines approach, here’s how to boost your chances for scholarships. If you’re a high school senior or a college student hoping to land a scholarship to help fund the cost of school this fall, don’t delay your search much longer.
Most scholarships have spring deadlines, so now is the prime time to apply. And don’t despair because you think you don’t have the grades to qualify. There are thousands of scholarships out there, including many that don’t depend on outstanding academic performance or even financial need. You could be awarded money based on your field of study, extracurricular activities, geographic area, or heritage.
Here are 7 useful tips :
- Apply as early as possible – This is one of those pieces of advice you’re probably sick of hearing already, but our scholarship winners do say it was important for their success. “Schools have a specific amount of funding available and the earlier you apply, the more you will receive and the easier it will be to get a scholarship.
- Check university websites for opportunities – I would suggest looking through the website of the university you’re intending to apply to. Normally, the university’s website will give a lot of resources on scholarships, financial aid, and other funding.
- Search for other scholarship providers – There are multiple providers in your country that aid students to fulfil their dreams. Research in advance to make sure you meet their criteria and can apply for these in time.
- Pay close attention to the Application Essay – Identify all the keywords, take time to understand them and strictly stick to the question when you answer.
- Get Someone else to read your application – As well as helping you identify typos or other errors, constructive feedback can also help you become more aware of your own relevant strengths and achievements.
- Manage your time – Time management is especially critical if you’re juggling multiple scholarship applications. Make a calendar of all the deadlines and give yourself plenty of time to work on each application, and ensure you submit all the required documents.
- Apply, Apply, Apply – Indeed, all of our scholarship winners point out that they received plenty of rejection letters before meeting with success, proving that it’s important – and worthwhile – to keep on applying. You never know which scholarship application will be the one that succeeds. And finally, Thuy says, “Most importantly, don’t give up on your dreams.