PUBG achieved 100 Million+ combined app downloads in iOs and Android globally till Sept 2018 with daily active users of 20 Million+ in mobile platforms globally. The rise of PUBG in India opens up the gaming horizon for other developers.
Game developers all over the country are working to align some educational games to Common Core State Standards, while educators and video game makers are seeing benefits in using games in a classroom context, despite concerns from administrators. This could be the golden age of educational video games.
However, any kind of gaming is frowned upon by parents as time-wasters, and worse, some education experts believe that these games corrupt the brain. The media and some experts can easily blame playing violent video games as the reason why some young people become violent or commit extreme anti-social behaviour. Yes, they do have. Everything which done out of bearable limit is poison for your life even the oxygen.
Many scientists and psychologists find that video games can actually have many benefits – the main one is making people smart. “Video games change your brain,” according to University of Wisconsin psychologist C. Shawn Green. Playing games alter the brain’s physiological structure in the same manner as do learning to read, navigating using a map, or playing the piano. Much like exercise can build muscle, the effective combination of concentration and rewarding surges of neurotransmitters like dopamine strengthen neural circuits, which can build the brain.
“You’re going to see teachers and students build games together,” said EdTech insider Garrett Fuller at New York’s 10th Annual Comic-Con. It’s a passion that drives you to learn and play, and it keeps pinging your brain in different ways. Once you present the information in a way that kids are going to grab onto it and want to learn; forget it, you’re going to be working together the entire time.
Gamifying Education will not be that bad after all!
Remember you are not going to another planet! You may be tempted to take everything with you, but it’s not practical. We have made a brief list that helps you cut through the clutter and grab the essentials only.
- Bed Essentials
Most accommodations private and University will give you a bed with mattress and mattress cover. Students are required to bring bed sheets, pillow and pillow cover, a duvet for the colder months and a duvet cover as well, however, it is suggested to buy the same online and get it delivered on your day of arrival.
- Bath Essentials
As mentioned earlier, there is everything that one will need in almost any country. However you cannot go on a shopping spree as you arrive and so it is recommended to carry your basic essentials like you would on a holiday. Additionally, if you have allergies and use special soaps or shampoo for your skin then it is advisable to carry enough for 3 months before you find what suits you in the foreign land.
- Electronics
If you’re an international student, make sure you have a travel adapter for your host country. Other basics include a mobile phone, laptop and accessories, USB stick, and extension cord in case your room doesn’t have too many electrical sockets. Additional appliances like steam iron and hair dryer are also recommended. A music system and/or camera may come in handy depending on your interests!
- Stationery Supplies
It’s advisable to carry the essentials for the first week of lectures while you’re settling in. Bring pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, sharpeners, highlighters, paperclips, binders, sharpies, sticky notes, scissors, envelopes, and glue. If you are already aware of the modules you will choose, it is preferred to buy some textbooks from India itself, as it is cheaper. You can also get these second hand from Amazon and e-bay.
- Medical Supplies
Don’t forget a First Aid kit with bandages, Band-Aids, burn medication and more. Pack in pills for common ailments like headaches, common cold, and digestive problems. This way you won’t need to run to the pharmacy when you’re actually sick!
- Personal Care Items
Carry a few objects that remind you of home. Surrounding yourself with your favourite books and posters or even photos of friends and family is the perfect pick-me-up for when you’re feeling blue. You’ll thank us later!
- Money
Make sure to carry enough local currency to tide you over the first few weeks while your student bank account is set up. Carrying some cash even after your debit card is issued is good practice for emergencies.
Some of these items may seem a bit obvious, but it doesn’t hurt to double check when you pack for university. Happy packing!