Reasoning Questions For Competitive Exams
- December 4, 2022
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Competative Exam

Reasoning, be it verbal or non-verbal, logical or analytical, is an integral portion of exam patterns of a considerable majority of competitive exams as well as ability-testing examinations in India and abroad. Reasoning questions aid institutions to gauge problem-solving, critical thinking, and calculation along with the ability to connect different elements and series prediction skills. Furthermore, reasoning along with verbal ability is typically asked in prelims or the first stage of exams acting as a screening test for subsequent stages of selection and ultimately a personal interview.
Read on to know more about the various categories of reasoning questions that are generally included in competitive exams.
Logical Reasoning
These types of reasoning questions test your logical insights to come up with a solution from the available series type of questions. What are these series types of questions? They are number series, symbol series, making judgments, letter series, matching definitions, analogies, etc. With some tips and tricks, one can easily crack these questions.
Non-Verbal Reasoning
The Non-Verbal Reasoning Questions include questions that have numbers and words. The question shows a series of figures arranged in a specific sequence. The student must use these to find the missing figure. The questions included in the non-verbal reasoning are classification, water images, mirror images, and spotting out the missing figure in one whole figure.
Verbal Reasoning
These questions have been in the market for quite a long time and have made many intenders to worry a lot because it tests them by making them think about their vocabulary knowledge and making deductions from their knowledge of words and statements. The questions generally include classification, analogy, blood relation, direction sense test, Logical Venn diagrams, coding-decoding, symbols and notations, situation-reaction tests, statements and assumptions, ranking, etc. These questions become very interesting once you start practicing them.
Analytical Reasoning
It tests the cognitive abilities of the person. It enables us to reason, to look out for evidence, assumptions, themes, etc. Simply we have certain elements and they are in a particular situation. We are required to find out the relations between them. This type includes questions like numbers of figures from a complex figure and other problems based on percentages.
Data Interpretation
The weightage given to these types of questions is around 10-45 marks. These types of questions include Tabulation, Bar Graph, Pie Chart, and Line Graph. For these types of questions, calculations need to be quick and accurate which comes after immense practice for sure. Acquaint yourself with figures, deduce relations and try to draw conclusions.
More Types of Reasoning Questions
With the right concepts, tricks, and strategy any aspirant can crack puzzles in very little time and fetch marks very easily. Try some online quizzes on puzzles to make yourself very equipped in cracking these questions. Puzzles generally include Sudoku, Number Puzzles, Clock, Playing Cards, and Clock-related questions, very interesting though, isn’t it?
Data Sufficiency
Data Sufficiency includes a little bit of mathematical knowledge either directly or indirectly. The intenders need to investigate the available statements and use them they need to understand whether these statements are sufficient enough to answer the question or not.
Read the reasoning questions carefully. More often than not, the answer to the question is hidden in plain sight but the barrier of jargon and sentences leads you in a different direction. In order to not regret wasting precious time on petty calculations, read every question meticulously and then answer it.
For expert advice, get in touch with Kavitta Mehtta at 3RDiConsulting.