Study Abroad
3RDiConsulting > Study Abroad
6 Things To Do While Waiting To Study Abroad
6 Things To Do While Waiting To Study Abroad While your study abroad dreams may be on hold, you can still get ahead. Here are some things you can do [...]
Study Abroad post Covid-19
Study Abroad post Covid-19 As the world tackles the Covid-19 pandemic, surprisingly, around 91% of Indian students who had planned to study abroad still want to continue due to the [...]
COVID & UK Visas
COVID & UK Visas A Relief for all students who are planning their study in the United Kingdom. Holding an offer but don’t know what to do? Are you uncertain [...]
How to spend your quarantine the right way?
How to spend your quarantine the right way? Summer is just around the corner, and every year, students take advantage of this time to build their profile. This is done [...]
Checklist for study abroad
Checklist for study abroad Whether you’ve been dreaming of studying abroad or already been accepted, here’s a step by step guide to making sure you’re as prepared as possible to [...]
How to write an effective Statement of Purpose?
How to write an effective Statement of Purpose? An SOP is a long essay required by universities abroad and nowadays some of the Indian universities during the application process. As the [...]
Is there racism towards Indian students abroad?
Is there racism towards Indian students abroad? What are the cultural norms of my host country? How will I be perceived in my host community? Will there be other minority [...]
An integral know-how on a student’s life abroad – What are the pros and cons?
Over the years a lot of Indians have been overseas to pursue further studies and the number is only rising each year. Studying abroad greatly improves the aspirant's career prospects [...]
Myths and Facts about Study Abroad
Let’s be honest - the idea of studying abroad is as daunting as it is inspiring. The journey from first considering studying abroad to stepping foot on a university campus [...]
Discrimination and harassment for students studying abroad
There are a lot of things that go through a student’s mind while preparing for studies abroad. Finding an appropriate accommodation, the fear of relocating to a new place, leaving the luxuries of a home life [...]